The Night Ghost
- Notice
- Dysphoria
The bungler in the grip of the demon held
To his crypt by strange means is compelled
And sleeping as a corpse in darkness rotting
He dreams forth the red eyed thing
So rises from the sleeper's breath
Comes the Night Ghost — who brings death!
The Night Ghost climbs, as a shadow leaping, overtop the manor wall
And through an open window goes, as a chilling fog
To the room of the sleeper he creeps
And as a swarm of bugs, overtop her stomach crawls
And on her chest, as a choking darkness sits
'Til she wakes with a gasp
The Night Ghost; by the window watching, giant as a shadow standing
She claps <clap sound effect> turning on the light
And The Night Ghost, as the darkness in the day, vanishes from all sight.